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In order to complete the suitcase activity, you’ll first need to have Minecraft installed on your device. [note all the files in google drive below should move to be hosted on our website] 

  • If you’re playing on an iOS device, download our SuitcaseActivity.mcworld file and open in Minecraft. Minecraft will launch automatically, and a list of available worlds will be displayed. This will include the SuitcaseActivity file, and you can tap on it to begin.

  • If you’re playing on an Android device, download our SuitcaseActivity.mcworld file and select “Open in Minecraft.” Minecraft will launch automatically, and a list of available worlds will be displayed. This will include the SuitcaseActivity file, and you can tap on it to begin.

If you’re playing on a Mac running macOS, there are three steps you’ll need to take, both of which are demonstrated in this helpful screencast [insert link]. First, download our zip file, double click on it to unzip it, and copy that new SuitcaseActivity folder to your Minecraft “saves” folder. (The path is /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/) Second, download our zip file and copy that file to your Minecraft “resourcepacks” folder. (The path is /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/minecraft/resourcepacks/). Finally, when you open Minecraft on your computer, click on “Options” and then on the “Resource Packs…” button. You should see the SuitcaseResourcePack listed on the left. Click on the arrow next to it to move it to the “Selected Resource Packs” list. Click the “Done” button. Next, when you select


  • If you’re playing on an iOS device, download our Manzanar.mcworld file and open in Minecraft. Minecraft will launch automatically, and a list of available worlds will be displayed. This will include the Manzanar file, and you can tap on it to begin.

  • If you’re playing on an Android device, downloadour Manzanar.mcworld file and select “Open in Minecraft.” Minecraft will launch automatically, and a list of available worlds will be displayed. This will include the Manzanar file, and you can tap on it to begin.

  • If you’re playing on a Mac running macOS, there are two steps you’ll need to take, both of which are demonstrated in this helpful screencast [insert link]. First, download our zip file, double click on it to unzip it, and copy the new Manzanar folder to your Minecraft “saves” folder. (The path is /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/) Second, when you open Minecraft and select “Singleplayer,” be sure to select the Manzanar World, then click the “Play Selected World” button, and you’re ready to play.

  • If you’re playing on a PC running Windows, there are two steps you’ll need to take. First, download our zip file, double click on it to unzip it, and copy the new Manzanar folder to your Minecraft “saves” folder. (The path is \Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\) Second, when you open Minecraft and select “Singleplayer,” be sure to select the Manzanar World, then click the “Play Selected World” button, and you’re ready to play.